Charlie Rogers had a tap dancing dog
Danced on the sink 'cause he thinks he is a frog
The sink broke and he never called a plumber
So the house filled with water by the end of summer
The house got waterlogged 'Cause of the Bullfrog dog
Charlie Rogers frog thought he was a bull
Drank and drank 'cause he wanted to be full
He burst of thirst when he drank the pond dry
And the pond is where the house gets its water supply
The pond went dry and the house got waterlogged
'Cause of the Bull Bullfrog and the Bullfrog Dog
Charlie Rogers bullrushes weren't so fast
So he made them arrows that whizzed right past
He stood were the pavement was fresh and wet
His boots got black and he couldn't make the tar get
The boots got tarred; the pond went dry and the house
got waterlogged Cause of the Slow Bullrushes the Bull Bullfrog
And the Bullfrog Dog
Poor old Bull just couldn't see why
It wondered and wandered 'til it finally dawned
Then it died and they ditched it in the pond
The bull was buried by the by the boots that got black;
The pond that went dry and the house that was waterlogged
Cause of the Bullfighters Bull's Eye
The Slow Bullrushes the Bull Bullfrog and the Bullfrog dog
Charlie Rogers Bulldozer tried to be a tractor
Just couldn't do it 'cause it wasn't a good actor
It was honest didn't want to cover and bull
But did and slept well 'cause Charlie had nothing else to pull
They covered up the Bull buried by the by the boots that got black
By the pond that went dry and the house that got waterlogged
Cause of the Honest Bulldozer the Bullfighters bulls eye
The Slow Bullrushes the Bull Bullfrog and the Bullfrog dog
Charlie Rogers now didn't have a match
But he had a house that fire couldn't catch
So he cancelled his fire insurance bought a new sink
And dug a new well so the water wouldn't sink
And all went well at least I think when they covered up the
Bull buried by the by the boots that got black;
The pond went dry and the house got waterlogged
Cause of Matchless Catch the Honest Bulldozer
The Bullfighters Bulls Eye the Slow Bullrushes
The Bull Bullfrog and the Bullfrog dog
Zeke the Freak and his GWG jacket and jeans
Gotta Green Nickel guitar that he can't play
But sprayed it orange to match his flaming Frizzy hair
It's everywhere beyond compare or repair
SK des Lauriers and his orange Elvis Presley pants
Bought a genuine Rubber Army surplus
Maxi coat that's too big
But will barter for the guitar
Didn't we all have a laugh
Sawing that old guitar in half
It cost a nickel
But was worth a dime
And we had a good time
O Ya and we had a good time
Hoot and holler
Zeke the Freak and the green garment shot down Milton
One hot day with the Victoria Park Cannon
While S. K. threatened to convert
The garment into a poetry coat
Zeke rides a motorbike with SK on the back
Waving a pitchfork down his lane
Swerving on the wet grass to avoid a cat
And hitting the house at five miles per hour cutting finger
At a barn dance a drunk man said
Zeke looked like Eric the Red
But he couldn't fight his way
From a wet paper bag
From a wet paper bag
Hoot and hollar
In a stone barn SK kicks planks
To the ceiling with steel toe boots
Walks through the snow with Zeke and the dogs
Killing bulrush soldiers and crossing the brook on a fence
© 1973 Stefan des Lauriers
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