My head peeks through the clouds approaching zero G
I used to run in circles now I let the circles run in me
Would the spheres not line up in four-part-harmony?
If the to key to happiness could be found in one family
Lately I've been thinking about mankind's finest hours
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
Yes, I ate the captain’s cheese and gave his trap the slip
There’s nothing noble being the last rat off a stinking ship.
My Captain found God, "In carrying someone made of stone
To a safe plateau despite having a heavy heart of your own”
In the urban twilight the mountain’s countenance seems dour
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
I hail from the Great White North where the money’s on the mark
Get your twenty-five cent dinosaur coins that glow in the dark
Speaking of iridescence —when Dianne de Poitier was exhumed
Her red hair was aglow from all the liquid gold she consumed
But there’s no guarantee that this vintage won’t turn sour
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
Five centuries ago drinking gold couldn’t keep the jet-set young
Do I dare to eat a peach with that kind of love on tip of tongue?
But I digress — what color is your Cool-Aid? Red, grey or blue?
It really doesn’t really matter that stuff has a bad affect on you
The snake has snuck up on the toad and with one gulp it devours
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
Was it the total solar eclipse that proved Einstein’s Relatively?
Woodstock or when the King of Pop Moon-walked on TV?
Or when that fireman flew in with trunks of soil and stone
The first heart transplant or when Dolly was first cloned?
Wasn’t I on my paper route —with a shirt of “Flower Power”
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
As a grasshopper at my grandma’s house standing by the road
I saw a ghastly miracle in the rebirth of a swallowed toad
The high power of an auto intervened and sliced a snake in half
Escaping the belly of a beast sure makes an old toad laugh
Out the window at takeoff the sun rises on Freedom Tower
When other person’s beating hearts are put in place of ours
There are no broken
tokens in this time that’s come to be
When other person’s
beating hearts are put in place of ours
As ships of gleaming
gold sail high above the clouds and sea
And streaks of tarnished
silver flow from eyes that look afar
When lovers parted in
the past they stood upon the shore
And would break a coin
in half to ensure their love’s fidelity
It often took years for
ships to return from exotic lands afar
There are no Broken
Tokens in this time that's come to be
Now I look around at
this rapidly changing world I see
The inventions that
enchant us all have mighty powers
We’ll pass so many
milestones with no need for wizardry
When other persons
beating hearts are put in place of hours
As journeys once so
arduous now take a few short hours
With streaking lines
across the sky connected endlessly
Looking up my dreams
have found a place above the towers
As ships of gleaming
gold sail high above the clouds and sea
A thousand songs in your pocket; every whim at our command
Each avenue can be
viewed from the vantage point of a star
As the world grows ever
smaller love can only to expand
And streaks of tarnished
silver flow from eyes that look afar
When sunlight is saved
for a rainy day to magically open doors
And because your whole
heart is mine and all my whole heart is yours
There are no Broken
Oct 1, 1973 [revised Aug
18 1986 and May10 2014
© 2014 Stefan des Lauriers

I was thinkin all night long
About a point of view for my next song
A place where I could take a peak
To get to the bottom of things so to speak
In order to do that I put myself on top of the CN Tower
I thought of the tower of Babel built up high
You get closer to God when you're up in the sky
The part about the languages doesn't seem true
I guess if you looked down you'd babble too.
The Empire State building was biggest so long
Used to love that movie about KING KONG
It's not exciting anymore it's a big mess
It's the height of ridiculousness.
It's a block away from my place, be finished soon
Its shadows at our doorstep at high noon
Living close to it has got me on edge
I really jumped when some one slammed the fridge
Of course if it fell what kind of a landmark would it be?
They say it's the tallest free standing
Structure in the world
They have one in Russia
But its the tallest
Communist standing structure.
When you get to the restaurant your ears will pop
But with a coca cola it'll soon stop
Look at the bill and your eyes will pop wide
And then you may want to go over the side
I guess they're competing with the airlines.
I'd rather spend all that money
For a meal and get somewhere.
© 1974 Stefan des Lauriers
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