Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why Don't You Sing

Why don't you sing
That song any more
You know the one
You sang it before

The song of the beggar
Who eats bread alone
The song of a king
Who fears for his throne
Song of the Blessing
Song of the curse
Life is the song
You don't get to rehearse

I sang about life
I sang about death
I sang till I was
Out of breath

Song of the dreamer
Who dresses in rags
The soldier too young
To be draped in a flag
Song of the raven
Song of the dove
Will peace ever come
To people who love

Song of the rebel
Still standing tall
When the pillars of justice
Get crooked and fall
Song of the day
Song of the night
A song must be sung
For it to take flight

I sang about life
I sang about death
I sang till I was
Out of breath
Why don't you sing

© 1997 Stefan des Lauriers

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